5 ways of email marketing to grow your business

Think about your last significant purchase. Do you remember why you chose that product, brand, feature, or advantage? Do you recall how often you encountered advertisements or interacted with the company selling the product you purchased?

You might not remember all the points of interaction. However, you probably remember that consistent messaging played a role in your purchase decision.

Recent data indicates that response rates increase with each touchpoint, up to eight. After that, the rate of return decreases for subsequent encounters. Touchpoints can consist of phone calls, text messages, emails, direct mailings, social media remarketing, or personal visits when appropriate.

This raises the question: How often do you communicate with your potential clients to strengthen relationships, add value to their lives, and expand your business?

Let’s discuss five ways to use email marketing as an effective communication tool to motivate those we can assist to take immediate action. Email marketing remains one of the most effective forms of advertising. However, proper implementation is crucial.


To nurture potential clients, each stage of the marketing process requires clear messaging and a call to action. Asking people to buy when they first hear about you is like proposing to someone you’ve never met. Identifying your potential clients’ needs and catering to them is an infallible method of earning their trust and convincing them to say “yes.”


Not everyone who visits your website necessarily wants to engage with you. Visitors want to learn about your product and obtain any information you provide without feeling pressured, as if they were in an electronics hypermarket.

Creating a newsletter subscription option on your website can help you cut through the clutter of misinformation on the internet and clearly explain why and how you will provide your visitors with exactly what they need, when they need it.

If you are a dealer, supplier, original equipment manufacturer, or consultant, you can leverage this approach to send relevant information to your subscribers. It can help familiarize them with your value proposition and address any quality, product differentiators, or industry-specific questions.

Email subscription is advantageous because you can upload your email subscriber list to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, and other online platforms for remarketing purposes. Retargeting allows you to be ubiquitous, provide consistent branding and value, and encourage them to take the next step in your business.


When a website visitor submits a form to learn more about you, your products, or services, it is considered a “lead.”

If you track your potential clients, you can utilize email to provide them with information that prompts them to call or schedule a meeting.

Email marketing platforms such as MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, and Hubspot allow you to segment your campaigns according to the type of audience you plan to target. For example, if your website’s contact form allows users to indicate whether they are current or former clients, you can send them a separate email series. If they don’t select this option, you will have a high degree of certainty that they are a new potential client who may benefit from an email sequence.


Here are a few ways email marketing can benefit your customers and your business.


Numerous online stores offer additional products to customers who have already made a purchase. Why not utilize email marketing to inform customers who have one item but not another about the benefits of the other?


The market is constantly flooded with new products that may not always be popular or clear to buyers. Email marketing is a cost-effective method to announce these new products and educate customers about what they are and how to use them.


Do your customers have outdated products? Do you have a more modern or efficient alternative for them? Ease their concerns and teach them how upgrading can save them time and money. If they haven’t heard from you in a while and things aren’t going well, you can guarantee they’re shopping elsewhere.


Have you ever made a purchase only to feel dissatisfied a few days later? Follow-up actions after installation (e.g., a sweat system) can help reassure the customer that the system is working properly and address any questions they may have. Additionally, you can use emails in conjunction with videos to inform customers about the products they purchased and answer common questions.


Customers appreciate working with those who don’t constantly push them to buy. Utilize monthly or quarterly newsletters to stay connected with your customers without asking for anything in return. Introduce team members, highlight your involvement in community or industry events, and address key concerns as effective ways to nurture relationships without demanding additional costs.


What better way to grow your business than by spreading the word about satisfied customers? Email can be an effective method for obtaining customer feedback, generating reviews, and requesting recommendations. The greatest aspect is that this can be fully automated.

Some additional considerations for implementing email marketing:


Make sure to analyze data privacy legislation and ensure that your campaigns comply with it. Each email should have a separate “unsubscribe” option so recipients can choose whether or not to receive emails from you.

Avoid email overload. Email blindness is a real phenomenon, similar to ad blindness. Make sure your messages don’t overwhelm potential customers and clients.


The more you can personalize your messages to cater to the specific needs of your audience, the more effective your emails will be. Consult your marketing collaborator to explore possibilities for your company based on the size of your audience and available segmentation options.


Email marketing platforms offer various testing options. Whether you’re evaluating audience segments, subject lines, or email content, be sure to establish key performance indicators and set up processes to measure them.

Email marketing is still very much alive and can be a valuable marketing tool when used correctly and effectively tracked. We hope these six email marketing strategies will help you increase your future revenue, profits, and brand value.